Teaser Widget

This widget is commonly used as a header. It can show a still image or a short, autoplay, looping background "teaser" video. More info below.

Teaser Widget (above)
Short title and text - emphasis on images and call to action.
Visual media should be calm so text is readable. Black text also possible.
Background image and video - always 5:2.
Video in pop-up window ("Play Video" button) - always 16:9.
Up to four links possible. Call to action (button) texts preferably 2 words or less.
If no links are specified, the widget will show a down arrow.

Inspirations Widget (above)
(= Reference Widget for Office Products - different name, same widget)
always 16:9 image(s)
with coordinates (1st image)
or without coordinates as fullscreen image (2nd image)

Text Widget


Body text - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
"This is a quote." Quotes should be short because the text is big.
Quote Person Name
bold text
FAQ - question: click to drop down
FAQ - answer. Links also possible.
  • bullet list
  • bullet point 2

Link in text: for more info about images in the text widget see Possible Image Layouts.Link as Button
Single image - horizontal image ratio (here with white background):
Image pair - images must have the same image ratio:
Picture gallery embedded:
Video embedded:

iFrame embedded:
Bookshelf embedded (more info about Bookshelf Widgets below):

Rows of (up to) four, usually no more than two rows (8 links). Teaser images always 4:3. A bookshelf can also be embedded in a text widget. See header "Text Widget".

Info Banner Widget

Related Links Widget

An automatically updating selection of articles / pages (usually the newest based on publication date) will be shown. Can be set to show news articles, magazine articles, project references or a sub-topic of one of these (for example, the latest office news topics, as above). Can be limited to a maximum number of articles (usually 4 or 8).
Content Guidelines Overview