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An apprenticeship or a dual education programme at Vitra is the first big step into the world of work. Vitra offers school leavers a wide choice of paths: internships, apprenticeships and dual education programmes. And graduates are given a good start to their professional career thanks to our trainee programmes.
Education and training at Vitra offers you the chance to demonstrate your creativity from day one. You will learn about the daily business of the different departments and have the opportunity to work independently and contribute to various projects.
Education and training at Vitra offers you the chance to demonstrate your creativity from day one. You will learn about the daily business of the different departments and have the opportunity to work independently and contribute to various projects.
What is the application process for an apprenticeship or dual education programme at Vitra?
After you have applied online for one of the advertised positions, your application will be reviewed. If you are shortlisted, we will usually first hold a virtual interview with you to get to know you better – allowing you to gain an initial impression of us in return. Then the next step is a face-to-face interview or participation in the Assessment Center programme at Vitra. For some apprenticeship roles, we might also go straight to an in-person job interview or invite you to do a trial working period.
What is the supervision like during an apprenticeship or dual education programme?
Our training coordinators are your points of contact for all training-related matters. During your apprenticeship or studies, you will gain insights into the different departments. Within each department, a designated supervisor will welcome you to the team and take responsibility for your on-the-job training.
What is the likelihood of being taken on by Vitra after successfully completing an apprenticeship or dual education programme?
Vitra trains on the basis of anticipated demand. In other words, we consider which departments will need additional trained specialists in the future and therefore generally aim to take on our apprentices and students.
Is it possible to spend part of the apprenticeship or study period abroad?
Vitra is an international company with many different locations worldwide. For projects abroad, it is perfectly conceivable that you would have the chance to get involved at one of our international sites. There are also numerous other opportunities to go abroad. For example, as part of a study period abroad at a different university or as part of Erasmus+. Vitra also supports you financially to make such a stay abroad possible.
What apprenticeship and dual education positions are currently available at Vitra?
You can find our job portal with all open apprenticeship and dual education positions here.
Have any questions?
We hope that we have been able to spark your interest in Vitra. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.