Thelonious Goupil Portrait_Oct. 2022_web-3-2

Thélonious Goupil

Thélonious Goupil è un industrial designer francese. Dopo la formazione presso Ransmeier Inc. and Jasper Morrison Ltd., si è laureato all'ENSCI (École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle) – Les Ateliers a Parigi nel 2016. Collabora con Vitra dal 2021.

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French industrial designer Thélonious Goupil, born in 1991, cultivated his sensitivity for everyday objects at Ransmeier Inc. and Jasper Morrison Ltd. and graduated from ENSCI (École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle) – Les Ateliers in Paris in 2016. In 2017, he further refined his approach during a year-long residency at Villa Noailles in Hyères.

Goupil's goal is to design objects that are shaped by their context, the way they are made and the economic viability of the project. Fascinated by how things relate to their surroundings, he works together with architects when designing products for specific locations. He lives and works in Milan and has been collaborating with Vitra since 2021.