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Miniatures Collection - Knotted Chai

Marcel Wanders, 1996

Knotted Chair is made of knotted netting soaked in artificial resin and simply hung out to dry. This produces a highly expressive seat shell which is as fragile, transparent and light as a hammock but is as solid as a seat should be. The use of simple knotted cords gives Knotted Chair that additional »warm«, personal feeling.

Wanders description of Knotted Chair: »The design is based on three innovations. Firstly, the process of hardening a textile in such a way that it can serve as a constructional element, becoming part of the structure of a three-dimensional product. Secondly, the use of knotting techniques to create curved, solid surfaces and structures. Thirdly, the manufacture of an industrial product made of plastic without resorting to a mould, but by simply making use of gravity and artificial resin as a stiffening agent.

Of course these factors are decisive in determining the quality of the chair. I personally, however, I am more enthusiastic about the chair's formal appeal and the meaning its external appearance lends it. It is a chair which tells you it was made for you alone, with a great deal of love, creativity and care, a chair which thus has its own personal and individual character, a chair which shows its relationship to you by letting you see different details every time you use it.


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Miniatures Collection

Durante más de dos décadas, el Vitra Design Museum ha hecho réplicas en miniatura de las piezas más importantes de su colección. La Miniatures Collection es un compendio de la historia del diseño de mobiliario industrial, desde el Historicismo y el Art Nouveau hasta la Bauhaus y la Nueva Objetividad, desde el Diseño Radical y el Posmodernismo hasta nuestros días. Con un tamaño que es exactamente un sexto del de los originales históricos, las sillas son fieles a la escala y reproducen hasta el menor detalle de construcción, material y color. La autenticidad llega incluso a la veta natural de la madera y a la reproducción de los tornillos y las complejas técnicas artesanales utilizadas. Por este motivo, las miniaturas se han convertido en objetos de colección muy populares y en un material didáctico ideal para universidades, escuelas de diseño y arquitectos.