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Miniatures Collection - Stuhl No. 14

Gebrüder Kohn & Thonet, 1859

The »No. 14« armchair is one of the world's most successful, mass-produced products. It was the standard model in Thonet's collection of bent-wood furniture and is considered the typical Viennese coffee-house chair. By 1930, 50 million of the chairs had already been sold. A modified version of the »No.14« is still being produced today.

Using the bent-wood technique developed by Michael Thonet, solid wood is shaped subjected to steam pressure and shaped three-dimensionally in iron moulds, this offers a great deal of scope for creativity in the design. Thonet's new packaging system was also revolutionary for the second half of the 18th century. The individual parts of the chairs were packed in an extremely space saving manner and then sent to their final destination, where they were first screwed together. The Thonet brothers combined industrial production processes and a business-oriented approach with a unique aesthetics, making a substantial contribution to our current concept of industrial design.


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Miniatures Collection

Da oltre due decenni il Vitra Design Museum realizza repliche in miniatura dei pezzi più importanti della propria collezione di mobili di design. La Miniatures Collection riassume l'intera storia del mobile industriale di design, spaziando da Storicismo e Art Nouveau a Bauhaus e Nuova Oggettività, da Radical Design e Postmodernismo fino ai giorni nostri. Misuranti esattamente un sesto rispetto alle dimensioni degli storici originali, le sedie sono tutte perfettamente in scala e ricreano con precisione i più minuscoli dettagli di costruzione, materiale e colore. Gli elevati standard di autenticità comprendono addirittura le venature naturali del legno, la riproduzione delle viti e la replica delle elaborate tecniche artigianali. Tutto questo ha reso le miniature apprezzati oggetti per collezionisti e ottimi strumenti didattici per università, scuole di design e studi di architetti.