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Corniches / コーニッシュ
Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, 2012
Corniches arose from the need for small impromptu storage spaces for miscellaneous items. 'The same way that we hang our belongings on a rock jutting from a cliff before diving into the sea, we need small, informal storage in everyday life too', explains Ronan Bouroullec. And this is the reason that Corniches are neither regular shelves nor simple horizontal surfaces, but rather individual, isolated protrusions in the environments that we create.
Whether as a key rack beside the front door, a spot to put everything we need to have at our fingertips in the bathroom, a display surface for a small collection of objects or as a large installation, Corniches are a new way to use the walls in our living spaces.
Whether as a key rack beside the front door, a spot to put everything we need to have at our fingertips in the bathroom, a display surface for a small collection of objects or as a large installation, Corniches are a new way to use the walls in our living spaces.
ヴィトラ オンラインショップはこちら
Vitra Online Shop
ロナン & エルワン・ブルレック
ロナン&エルワン・ブルレック (Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec) は、パリを拠点として活躍するデザイナーです。 彼らの作品は日々の暮らしの中で使う小物から建築プロジェクトまで多岐に渡ります。 2000年以降、ロナン&エルワン・ブルレックはヴィトラと協働しホームやオフィス向けのあらゆるコレクションを発表しています。