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We at Vitra see it as our mission to understand the various signals conveyed by rooms and buildings, and to then guide and improve these. We therefore firmly believe that rooms intended for learning and teaching in should be designed to stimulate thought processes and creativity. Rooms can be loud or quiet; they can be extravagant or reserved; simple or expressive. But only if they inspire the people in them to think and be creative, are they effective. Effectively-planned, well-styled rooms serve to support teaching methods, to provide high ergonomic quality and to set the respective organization apart from other institutions.
Multi-purpose rooms and assembly halls
When furnishing rooms intended for large congregations of people, practicality, manageability and robustness are of the utmost importance. Lightweight stackable chairs and tables provide flexibility. Moreover, a simple interior design concept serves to stand in contrast with the large number of furniture pieces, thus precluding visual disquiet.
When furnishing rooms intended for large congregations of people, practicality, manageability and robustness are of the utmost importance. Lightweight stackable chairs and tables provide flexibility. Moreover, a simple interior design concept serves to stand in contrast with the large number of furniture pieces, thus precluding visual disquiet.
Meeting zones and informal communication
Learning is a social activity that can take place in a variety of locations beyond the confines of the classroom. Communicative room structures are therefore of central importance. Meeting zones encourage chance communication, inspire new ideas and facilitate the spontaneous exchange of information. And in order to intensify their appeal and their use, such zones need to be given an attractive design and décor.
Learning is a social activity that can take place in a variety of locations beyond the confines of the classroom. Communicative room structures are therefore of central importance. Meeting zones encourage chance communication, inspire new ideas and facilitate the spontaneous exchange of information. And in order to intensify their appeal and their use, such zones need to be given an attractive design and décor.
Varying teaching methods
Modern lessons are varied in structure, comprising both the imparting and the independent acquisition of knowledge. Indeed, typical lessons nowadays will often involve the teacher or trainer alternating between, for instance, lecture-style teaching, individual and group teaching, relaxed classroom discussions, e-learning and project work. In order for rooms to be suitable for such purposes, they need to be flexibly structured and provide scope for such spontaneous alternation.
Modern lessons are varied in structure, comprising both the imparting and the independent acquisition of knowledge. Indeed, typical lessons nowadays will often involve the teacher or trainer alternating between, for instance, lecture-style teaching, individual and group teaching, relaxed classroom discussions, e-learning and project work. In order for rooms to be suitable for such purposes, they need to be flexibly structured and provide scope for such spontaneous alternation.
Collaboration inspires creativity in the problem-solving process and helps to merge and interconnect differing opinions, skills and areas of expertise. Ideally, the architectural elements that create a teamwork environment are not permanently affixed. This then enables the space to be restructured according to changing requirements, not only by means of furniture, but also through “room within a room” solutions.
Collaboration inspires creativity in the problem-solving process and helps to merge and interconnect differing opinions, skills and areas of expertise. Ideally, the architectural elements that create a teamwork environment are not permanently affixed. This then enables the space to be restructured according to changing requirements, not only by means of furniture, but also through “room within a room” solutions.
Vitra has been developing functional, inspiring concepts and products for over 50 years. Our research activities within the field of education have brought forth many innovative solutions that both promote future-oriented teaching methods and make optimum use of the space available. New trends and new ways of working, in particular within adult education, are thus given a means of expression in your rooms and your style of décor.
Would you like to find out more about the possibilities that your rooms offer? If so, we would be more than happy to provide you with a personal consultation.
Would you like to find out more about the possibilities that your rooms offer? If so, we would be more than happy to provide you with a personal consultation.