製品チェアラウンジチェアソファオフィスチェアシェーズロングスツール・ベンチ彫刻的家具ミーティングチェアエアポートベンチ収納システム家具テーブルカフェテーブルローテーブルデスクデスクシステムミーティングテーブル照明時計オブジェコートラック・壁付け棚トレー・ボウル・カップアレキサンダー・ジラードアントニオ・チッテリオチャールズ & レイ・イームズバーバー・オズガビージョージ・ネルソンヘラ・ヨンゲリウスイサム・ノグチジャスパー・モリソンジャン・プルーヴェコンスタンチン・グルチッチロナン & エルワン・ブルレックヴァーナー・パントンパンター&トゥーロン修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラム新作ベストセラーギフト ファインダーオフィスチェア ファインダーラウンジチェア ファインダーカラー & マテリアルAnagram SofaVitra Cushionsインスピレーションリビングルームダイニングルームホームオフィスキッズルームアウトドアホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションワークスペースフォーカスミーティングワークショップクラブ オフィスシティズン オフィススタジオ オフィスダイナミック スペースホスピタリティ空港教育施設コワーキング医療施設クライアント事例ホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションA case for classicsカラー & マテリアルAn open house A leading space for a leading art collegeHigh comfort of low energyAn office landscape - without walls or partitionsサービス修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラムお問い合わせ組立・取扱説明書廃盤品の組立・取扱説明書コンサルティング & プランニングConsulting & planning in the VitraHausOutdoor care instructionsRepair, maintenance, overhaul at the Vitra Circle Store Campus プロフェッショナルCAD データ製品情報証明書カタログサステイナビリティ レポート組立・取扱説明書環境情報pConプランニング例カラー & マテリアル証明書ディーラー専用サイトクライアント事例MikadoTyde 2 on castorsACXDancing Officeオフィスチェアマガジンストーリーインタビュー展覧会デザイナープロジェクト ヴィトラWhen a Sofa is more than just a Sofa: Anagram100% virgin wool – 100% recyclableアーカイブはまるでタイムカプセル「ヴィトラハウス」ロフト - サビーネ・マルセリスとの対話Walking the talk1000 m2 の家具Shaping the future of energyおもちゃから生まれた鏡自然の行く末「クラシックな名作」が現代のオフィスに合う理由田根剛による展覧会試行錯誤 - イームズ アーカイブ コレクションヴィトラとイームズヴィトラ キャンパス展覧会ガイドツアー・ワークショップカフェ・デリショップアクティビティ建築イベントサービス案内アプリイベントニュースVitaHaus / ヴィトラハウスVitra Design Museum / ヴィトラ デザイン ミュージアムVitra Schaudepot / ヴィトラ シャウデポVitra Circle Store Campusアウドルフ ガーデンヴィトラについてサステイナビリティJobs & CareersDesign processThe Original is by VitraHistory - Project Vitra
Vitra Companies and Vitra Showrooms
Vitra Showroom
Unifor Australia Pty Ltd
450 Latrobe Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Phone: +61 3 93 29 59 00
Fax: +61 3 93 29 97 66
Unifor Australia Pty Ltd
140 Bank Street
AUS-2009 Pyrmont, N.S.W.
Phone: +61 2 95 52 95 52
Fax: +61 2 95 52 95 53
Vitra Company
Vitra Ges.m.b.H.
Schottenring 12
1010 Wien
Phone: +43 1 405 75 14 0
Fax: +43 1 405 75 14 11
Vitra Ges.m.b.H.
Schottenring 12
1010 Wien
Phone: +43 1 405 75 14 0
Fax: +43 1 405 75 14 11
Vitra Company
N.V. Vitra Belgium S.A.
Woluwelaan, 137
B-1831 Diegem
Phone: +32 2 725 84 00
Vitra Showroom
N.V. Vitra Belgium S.A.
Woluwelaan, 137
B-1831 Diegem
Phone: +32 2 725 84 00
N.V. Vitra Belgium S.A.
Woluwelaan, 137
B-1831 Diegem
Phone: +32 2 725 84 00
Vitra Showroom
N.V. Vitra Belgium S.A.
Woluwelaan, 137
B-1831 Diegem
Phone: +32 2 725 84 00
Vitra Company
Vitra Furniture (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.
Phone: +86 139 1864 8221
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Furniture (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.
Room 507, 5/F, Building 9
No 1, Pingdong Sixth Road
Nanping Science and Technology Industrial Park, Xiangzhou District
519060 Zhuhai, China
Phone: +86 75 6552 0600
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Furniture (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.
Phone: +86 139 1864 8221
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Furniture (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.
Room 507, 5/F, Building 9
No 1, Pingdong Sixth Road
Nanping Science and Technology Industrial Park, Xiangzhou District
519060 Zhuhai, China
Phone: +86 75 6552 0600
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Showroom
Vitra A/S
Klubiensvej 22, Pakhus 48
2150 Nordhavn
Phone: +45 22 54 54 66
Vitra A/S
Klubiensvej 22, Pakhus 48
2150 Nordhavn
Phone: +45 22 54 54 66
Czech Republic
Vitra Company
Vitra koncept, s.r.o.
Křižíkova 148/34
Prague 8 - Karlin, 18600
Phone: +420 2 830 61817
Fax: +420 2 667 12754
Vitra Showroom
Vitra koncept, s.r.o.
Křižíkova 148/34
Prague 8 - Karlin, 18600
Phone: +420 2 830 61817
Fax: +420 2 667 12754
Vitra koncept, s.r.o.
Křižíkova 148/34
Prague 8 - Karlin, 18600
Phone: +420 2 830 61817
Fax: +420 2 667 12754
Vitra Showroom
Vitra koncept, s.r.o.
Křižíkova 148/34
Prague 8 - Karlin, 18600
Phone: +420 2 830 61817
Fax: +420 2 667 12754
Vitra Representative Office
Artek Helsinki
Mannerheimintie 12 B
00100 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 10 617 3410
E-Mail: [email protected]
Artek Helsinki
Mannerheimintie 12 B
00100 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 10 617 3410
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Company
Vitra SAS
So Square Opéra
5, Rue Boudreau
F-75009 Paris
Phone: +33 1 56 77 07 77
Vitra Showroom
Vitra SAS
So Square Opéra
5, rue Boudreau
F-75009 Paris
Phone: +33 1 56 77 07 77
Visits by appointment.
Vitra SAS
So Square Opéra
5, Rue Boudreau
F-75009 Paris
Phone: +33 1 56 77 07 77
Vitra Showroom
Vitra SAS
So Square Opéra
5, rue Boudreau
F-75009 Paris
Phone: +33 1 56 77 07 77
Visits by appointment.
Vitra Company
Vitra GmbH
Charles-Eames-Strasse 2
D-79576 Weil am Rhein
Phone: +49 7621 702 0
Fax: +49 7621 702 4800
Vitra Showroom
Weil am Rhein
Vitra GmbH
Charles-Eames-Strasse 2
D-79576 Weil am Rhein
Phone: +49 7621 702 0
Fax: +49 7621 702 3242
Vitra GmbH
Gutleutstrasse 89
D-60329 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 69 58 60 46-0
Fax: +49 69 58 60 46-25
Vitra GmbH
Charles-Eames-Strasse 2
D-79576 Weil am Rhein
Phone: +49 7621 702 0
Fax: +49 7621 702 4800
Vitra Showroom
Weil am Rhein
Vitra GmbH
Charles-Eames-Strasse 2
D-79576 Weil am Rhein
Phone: +49 7621 702 0
Fax: +49 7621 702 3242
Vitra GmbH
Gutleutstrasse 89
D-60329 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 69 58 60 46-0
Fax: +49 69 58 60 46-25
Vitra Representative Office, Living Products
Vitra International AG
Distribuita da Molteni&C Spa
Via Rossini 50
20833 Giussano (MB)
Phone +39 0362 3591
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Representative Office, Office Products
Unifor spa
Via Isonzo 1
22078 Turate
Phone: +39 02 967 191
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra International AG
Distribuita da Molteni&C Spa
Via Rossini 50
20833 Giussano (MB)
Phone +39 0362 3591
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Representative Office, Office Products
Unifor spa
Via Isonzo 1
22078 Turate
Phone: +39 02 967 191
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Company
Vitra Co., Ltd.
Shibuya-Ku, Sendagaya 3-59-4,
Ques Court Harajuku.
Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)3-5775-7710
Fax: +81 (0)3-5775-7718
Vitra Co., Ltd.
Shibuya-Ku, Sendagaya 3-59-4,
Ques Court Harajuku.
Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)3-5775-7710
Fax: +81 (0)3-5775-7718
Vitra Company
Vitra (Nederland) B.V.
Koivistokade 1
1013 AC Amsterdam
Due to our relocation, Vitra (Nederland) B.V.'s showroom in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel will be closed as of Thursday, December 1, 2022. The new showroom in Amsterdam will focus primarily on the B2B market and will no longer be open to consumers. If you are a private customer, we are happy to refer you to one of our dealers. An overview of Vitra dealers can be found on our website under the heading "Find Vitra".
Vitra (Nederland) B.V.
Koivistokade 1
1013 AC Amsterdam
Due to our relocation, Vitra (Nederland) B.V.'s showroom in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel will be closed as of Thursday, December 1, 2022. The new showroom in Amsterdam will focus primarily on the B2B market and will no longer be open to consumers. If you are a private customer, we are happy to refer you to one of our dealers. An overview of Vitra dealers can be found on our website under the heading "Find Vitra".
Vitra Company
Vitra Scandinavia AS
Akersgata. 16
NO-0158 Oslo
Phone: +47 23 11 58 70
Vitra Showroom
Vitra Scandinavia AS
Drammensveien 130
NO-0277 Oslo
Phone: +47 23 11 58 70
Vitra Scandinavia AS
Akersgata. 16
NO-0158 Oslo
Phone: +47 23 11 58 70
Vitra Showroom
Vitra Scandinavia AS
Drammensveien 130
NO-0277 Oslo
Phone: +47 23 11 58 70
Vitra Company
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Castello 19
28001 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 426 45 60
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Castello 19
28001 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 426 45 60
Vitra Representative Office
Vitra Furniture Pte Ltd
62 Circular Road #03-01
Singapore 049416
Phone: +65 6291 5205
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Furniture Pte Ltd
62 Circular Road #03-01
Singapore 049416
Phone: +65 6291 5205
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Company
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Castello 19
28001 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 426 45 60
Vitra Showroom
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Castello 19
28001 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 426 45 60
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Carrer D´Ávila 32
08005 Barcelona
Phone: +34 932 68 81 33
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Castello 19
28001 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 426 45 60
Vitra Showroom
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Castello 19
28001 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 426 45 60
Vitra Hispania S.A.
Carrer D´Ávila 32
08005 Barcelona
Phone: +34 932 68 81 33
Vitra Company
Vitra AB
Bondegatan 21
116 33 Stockholm
Phone: +46 841 027 705
Vitra AB
Bondegatan 21
116 33 Stockholm
Phone: +46 841 027 705
Vitra Company
Vitra AG
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4127 Birsfelden
Phone: +41 61 377 00 00
Fax: +41 61 377 15 20
Vitra Showroom
Mailing address:
Schweiz / Headquarters
Vitra AG
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4127 Birsfelden
Phone: +41 61 377 00 00
Fax: +41 61 377 15 20
For navigation systems:
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4132 Muttenz
Visits by appointment.
Sales Office Zürich
Vitra AG
Förrlibuckstrasse 190
CH-8005 Zürich
Phone: +41 61 377 00 00
Visits by appointment.
Vitra AG
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4127 Birsfelden
Phone: +41 61 377 00 00
Fax: +41 61 377 15 20
Vitra Showroom
Mailing address:
Schweiz / Headquarters
Vitra AG
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4127 Birsfelden
Phone: +41 61 377 00 00
Fax: +41 61 377 15 20
For navigation systems:
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4132 Muttenz
Visits by appointment.
Sales Office Zürich
Vitra AG
Förrlibuckstrasse 190
CH-8005 Zürich
Phone: +41 61 377 00 00
Visits by appointment.
United Kingdom
Vitra Company
Vitra Ltd.
32 Rivington Street,
London, EC2A 3LX
Phone: +44 20 7608 6200
Fax: +44 20 7608 6201
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Ltd.
32 Rivington Street,
London, EC2A 3LX
Phone: +44 20 7608 6200
Fax: +44 20 7608 6201
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vitra Company
Vitra, Inc
217 W 18th Street, #1976
New York, NY 10113
Tel: +1 800 338 4872
Tel: +1 212 463 5700
Vitra Showrooms
New York
Open by appointment only
601 W 26th Street
New York, NY 10001
Tel: +1 800 338 4872
Tel: +1 212 463 5700
Los Angeles Studio
Open by Appointment Only
1325 Palmetto St
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Vitra, Inc
217 W 18th Street, #1976
New York, NY 10113
Tel: +1 800 338 4872
Tel: +1 212 463 5700
Vitra Showrooms
New York
Open by appointment only
601 W 26th Street
New York, NY 10001
Tel: +1 800 338 4872
Tel: +1 212 463 5700
Los Angeles Studio
Open by Appointment Only
1325 Palmetto St
Los Angeles, CA 90013
For all other countries
Vitra Company
Vitra International AG
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4127 Birsfelden
Phone: +4161 3770000
Fax: +4161 3771510
Vitra International AG
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
CH-4127 Birsfelden
Phone: +4161 3770000
Fax: +4161 3771510