製品チェアラウンジチェアソファオフィスチェアシェーズロングスツール・ベンチ彫刻的家具ミーティングチェアエアポートベンチ収納システム家具テーブルカフェテーブルローテーブルデスクデスクシステムミーティングテーブル照明時計オブジェコートラック・壁付け棚トレー・ボウル・カップアレキサンダー・ジラードアントニオ・チッテリオチャールズ & レイ・イームズバーバー・オズガビージョージ・ネルソンヘラ・ヨンゲリウスイサム・ノグチジャスパー・モリソンジャン・プルーヴェコンスタンチン・グルチッチロナン & エルワン・ブルレックヴァーナー・パントンパンター&トゥーロン修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラム新作ベストセラーギフト ファインダーオフィスチェア ファインダーラウンジチェア ファインダーカラー & マテリアルAnagram SofaVitra Cushionsインスピレーションリビングルームダイニングルームホームオフィスキッズルームアウトドアホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションワークスペースフォーカスミーティングワークショップクラブ オフィスシティズン オフィススタジオ オフィスダイナミック スペースホスピタリティ空港教育施設コワーキング医療施設クライアント事例ホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションA case for classicsカラー & マテリアルAn open house A leading space for a leading art collegeHigh comfort of low energyAn office landscape - without walls or partitionsサービス修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラムお問い合わせ組立・取扱説明書廃盤品の組立・取扱説明書コンサルティング & プランニングConsulting & planning in the VitraHausOutdoor care instructionsRepair, maintenance, overhaul at the Vitra Circle Store Campus プロフェッショナルCAD データ製品情報証明書カタログサステイナビリティ レポート組立・取扱説明書環境情報pConプランニング例カラー & マテリアル証明書ディーラー専用サイトクライアント事例MikadoTyde 2 on castorsACXDancing Officeオフィスチェアマガジンストーリーインタビュー展覧会デザイナープロジェクト ヴィトラWhy the Eames La Fonda Chair was designedWhen a Sofa is more than just a Sofa: Anagram100% ヴァージンウール – 100% リサイクル可能アーカイブはまるでタイムカプセル「ヴィトラハウス」ロフト - サビーネ・マルセリスとの対話Walking the talk1000 m2 の家具Shaping the future of energyおもちゃから生まれた鏡自然の行く末田根剛による展覧会試行錯誤 - イームズ アーカイブ コレクションヴィトラとイームズヴィトラ キャンパス展覧会ガイドツアー・ワークショップカフェ・デリショップアクティビティ建築イベントサービス案内アプリイベントニュースVitaHaus / ヴィトラハウスVitra Design Museum / ヴィトラ デザイン ミュージアムVitra Schaudepot / ヴィトラ シャウデポVitra Circle Store Campusアウドルフ ガーデンヴィトラについてサステイナビリティJobs & CareersDesign processThe Original is by VitraHistory - Project Vitra
The Consulting and Planning Studio has many years of experience in the formation and implementation of inspiring and innovative work concepts and environments. Together with our clients, we future proof workspaces – and empower people to unlock the potential of an interior as we collaborate on its transformation.
‘Our mission: we create authentic environments. Interiors can have a lasting positive effect on people and patterns of behaviour.’
About us
The Consulting & Planning Studio is an interdisciplinary team of architects, interior designers, psychologists and many others supporting you with their collective knowledge. We stand for quality and long-term flexible solutions. We strive for innovation and recognise the influence that identity-defining work environments have on people and work culture.
Five steps to your new working world
We work with you to analyse expectations and define the goal for your office project, establishing a strategy and specifications for spaces, organisation and culture. Organisational standards, productivity, innovation and of course the needs of your employees play an important role in the planning phase.
1. Awareness
The path to a new office starts with a journey: you can experience different office concepts on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein and at the Vitra Headquarters in Birsfelden. Which global trends and changes are relevant for your office project now and in the future? We will work closely with you and your employees to develop a transformative concept.
2. Analysis
We identify and derive your requirements for tomorrow’s office environment from current work methods, processes and future-proof strategies. We establish a foundation that can integrate individual and community needs through interactive workshops with management and users.
3. Planning
Functional requirements and corporate culture are made tangible in the structures (floor, wall, ceiling, fixtures) and surfaces: thanks to an exhaustive interior concept, the spaces we design provide inspiration. A strategic choice of surfaces, colours and materials creates a distinctive atmosphere and underscores the defining culture and identity of your company. Individual work environments with carefully chosen furniture typologies can be determined for each specified requirement.
4. Implementation
We work together with local partners to ensure that the office concept we have developed together becomes a reality.
5. Support
Inhabiting the new environment brings the space to life and injects fresh energy into the company. We will continue to support you as a partner and help you learn from your experiences and adapt to further changes.
Discover reference
The Consulting & Planning Studio created three co-working spaces in Freiburg in collaboration with Grünhof founder Hagen Krohn – consistently seeking to develop a physical environment that reflects Grünhof’s identity and culture.
Vitra tests tomorrow’s solutions today
We use our own offices as a field for experimentation with multiple locations and spaces of varying size and scale for 30 to 180 employees. The needs of the company management, the information and communication technology departments, the marketing team and the various operational divisions for the planning and controlling of logistics and production processes are completely different. To meet these diverse requirements, innovative ideas for work methods and furnishing concepts and associated products are tried and tested – and either further developed or abandoned in favour of other solutions.
Come and see for yourself: you are more than welcome to visit Vitra’s offices and conference rooms in Weil am Rhein and at the headquarters in Birsfelden near Basel and explore the range of possibilities.
We are here to assist you.
Do you need support in planning or redesigning your offices? We look forward to hearing about your project!
Vitra’s environmental mission
Our sustainable processes and the resulting interior concepts ensure that working environments are designed to be future-proof – from people to the physical space and materials – while simultaneously upholding your company’s ecological objectives.