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Miniatures Collection - Ball Chair

Eero Aarnio, 1965

With its simple, striking shape and its bright colors Eero Aarnio's Ball Chair is a typical symbol of the optimistic, consumer-oriented popular culture of the 1960s. Equally apparent is an unconcealed enthusiasm for the technical which also typifies the era: its exposed plastic which allowed even complex shapes to be produced in series relatively easily, at the time something completely new, and its dynamic shape, reminiscent of a space capsule.

The idea of this kind of mobile capsule allowing people to sit where they want within the house also anticipates the kind of living concepts discussed in the 1970s for a young, liberal society. On the outside, this gleaming, polished sphere seems cold and futuristic, but its inside reveals a space where users can feel cozy and protected. From the inside outside noise is considerably muffled, allowing users to relax in any number of positions, for example, to sit cross-legged. Mounted on a round metal base just above ground level, the sphere can be completely rotated on its own axis, so that users can vary their view from the »cave«. Ball Chair thus represents a special category of household objects. It is something between a piece of furniture and a piece of architecture and at the same time embodies both the mobile and the established, the fixed.


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Miniatures Collection

Da oltre due decenni il Vitra Design Museum realizza repliche in miniatura dei pezzi più importanti della propria collezione di mobili di design. La Miniatures Collection riassume l'intera storia del mobile industriale di design, spaziando da Storicismo e Art Nouveau a Bauhaus e Nuova Oggettività, da Radical Design e Postmodernismo fino ai giorni nostri. Misuranti esattamente un sesto rispetto alle dimensioni degli storici originali, le sedie sono tutte perfettamente in scala e ricreano con precisione i più minuscoli dettagli di costruzione, materiale e colore. Gli elevati standard di autenticità comprendono addirittura le venature naturali del legno, la riproduzione delle viti e la replica delle elaborate tecniche artigianali. Tutto questo ha reso le miniature apprezzati oggetti per collezionisti e ottimi strumenti didattici per università, scuole di design e studi di architetti.