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Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture
21 October 2023 to 3 March 2024, Vitra Design Museum
Iwan Baan is one of today’s leading photographers of architecture and the built environment. His images document the growth of global megacities, explore traditional and informal housing structures, and portray buildings by prominent contemporary architects including Rem Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron, Kazuyo Sejima, and Tatiana Bilbao.
From October 2023 to March 2024, the Vitra Design Museum presents the first major retrospective of Baan’s oeuvre. The exhibition »Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture« reflects the photographer’s wide scope by drawing up a panorama of global architecture in the early twenty-first century, of its urban and social contexts, and of the people who use it.
From October 2023 to March 2024, the Vitra Design Museum presents the first major retrospective of Baan’s oeuvre. The exhibition »Iwan Baan: Moments in Architecture« reflects the photographer’s wide scope by drawing up a panorama of global architecture in the early twenty-first century, of its urban and social contexts, and of the people who use it.
Publication date: 11.10.2023
Images: 1. Iwan Baan, Plasencia Auditorium and Congress Center, Plasencia, Spain, 2017, Architecture: SelgasCano © Iwan Baan; 2. Iwan Baan, Baku, Aserbaidschan, 2011 © Iwan Baan; 3. Iwan Baan, CCTV Headquarters, Beijing, China, 2011, designed by OMA © OMA © Iwan Baan ; 4. Iwan Baan, Biete Ghiorgis, Rock-Hewn church, Lalibela, Ethiopia, 2012 © Iwan Baan; 5. Iwan Baan, Gando Secondary School, Burkina Faso, 2021, Architecture: Kéré Architecture © Iwan Baan; 6. Iwan Baan, M+ Museum, Hong Kong, China, 2022, Architecture: Herzog & de Meuron © Iwan Baan;