製品チェアラウンジチェアソファオフィスチェアシェーズロングスツール・ベンチ彫刻的家具ミーティングチェアエアポートベンチ収納システム家具テーブルカフェテーブルローテーブルデスクデスクシステムミーティングテーブル照明時計オブジェコートラック・壁付け棚トレー・ボウル・カップアレキサンダー・ジラードアントニオ・チッテリオチャールズ & レイ・イームズバーバー・オズガビージョージ・ネルソンヘラ・ヨンゲリウスイサム・ノグチジャスパー・モリソンジャン・プルーヴェコンスタンチン・グルチッチロナン & エルワン・ブルレックヴァーナー・パントンパンター&トゥーロン修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラム新作ベストセラーギフト ファインダーオフィスチェア ファインダーラウンジチェア ファインダーカラー & マテリアルAnagram SofaVitra Cushionsインスピレーションリビングルームダイニングルームホームオフィスキッズルームアウトドアホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションワークスペースフォーカスミーティングワークショップクラブ オフィスシティズン オフィススタジオ オフィスダイナミック スペースホスピタリティ空港教育施設コワーキング医療施設クライアント事例ホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションA case for classicsカラー & マテリアルAn open house A leading space for a leading art collegeHigh comfort of low energyAn office landscape - without walls or partitionsサービス修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラムお問い合わせ組立・取扱説明書廃盤品の組立・取扱説明書コンサルティング & プランニングConsulting & planning in the VitraHausOutdoor care instructionsRepair, maintenance, overhaul at the Vitra Circle Store Campus プロフェッショナルCAD データ製品情報証明書カタログサステイナビリティ レポート組立・取扱説明書環境情報pConプランニング例カラー & マテリアル証明書ディーラー専用サイトクライアント事例MikadoTyde 2 on castorsACXDancing Officeオフィスチェアマガジンストーリーインタビュー展覧会デザイナープロジェクト ヴィトラWhen a Sofa is more than just a Sofa: Anagram100% virgin wool – 100% recyclableアーカイブはまるでタイムカプセル「ヴィトラハウス」ロフト - サビーネ・マルセリスとの対話Walking the talk1000 m2 の家具Shaping the future of energyおもちゃから生まれた鏡自然の行く末「クラシックな名作」が現代のオフィスに合う理由田根剛による展覧会試行錯誤 - イームズ アーカイブ コレクションヴィトラとイームズヴィトラ キャンパス展覧会ガイドツアー・ワークショップカフェ・デリショップアクティビティ建築イベントサービス案内アプリイベントニュースVitaHaus / ヴィトラハウスVitra Design Museum / ヴィトラ デザイン ミュージアムVitra Schaudepot / ヴィトラ シャウデポVitra Circle Store Campusアウドルフ ガーデンヴィトラについてサステイナビリティJobs & CareersDesign processThe Original is by VitraHistory - Project Vitra
What does it mean to work at Vitra? What characterises the daily work routine? What do we focus on? Working at Vitra is special in many ways.
The many different job profiles and our diverse mix of employees yields a broad spectrum of personalities, skills and interests. Nevertheless, there are some common characteristics that define our multifaceted day-to-day work.
The many different job profiles and our diverse mix of employees yields a broad spectrum of personalities, skills and interests. Nevertheless, there are some common characteristics that define our multifaceted day-to-day work.
We are a global family
Vitra was founded 80 years ago and has been in the hands of the founding family ever since. To this day, special value is attached to the word family.
We practise a culture of equality that transcends multiple international borders. In doing so, we are in close exchange with our colleagues around the world and promote different perspectives and ideas to drive innovation.
We practise a culture of equality that transcends multiple international borders. In doing so, we are in close exchange with our colleagues around the world and promote different perspectives and ideas to drive innovation.
We are collaborative
With the aid of state-of-the-art digital tools and optimised processes, we ensure that global collaboration is possible and experienced on a daily basis. We overcome spatial boundaries and ensure that everyone feels part of Vitra.
We work on a global scale
Founded in Basel, Vitra has developed into an international company over the last 80 years, opening offices around the world. We recognise the added value of a multicultural team structure and are proud of the many nationalities that are brought together at Vitra.
We approach work differently
'We value commitment and flexibility. We are looking for passionate employees with agile minds and skilled hands to help us achieve our company goals. Our employees have frequent opportunities to take on new challenges and contribute their own ideas to the company.' Chief People Officer, Sonja Hornberger
Our work environment offers scope for full personal development
Vitra continuously explores the latest organisational forms and work methods, using its own offices as test laboratories for innovative ideas, products and concepts – always in line with our visions for an inspirational workplace. We are committed to investing in the well-being of our employees worldwide: by offering a dynamic, open working environment, we want to help staff achieve personal fulfilment. We believe in flat hierarchies and encourage collaboration and teamwork. This is what our offices stand for.
Our vision of 'How To Work Better'
We have implemented hybrid working – the distribution of work across multiple locations – with the 'How To Work Better' framework, which takes a new approach to dealing with the challenges of New Work. We are constantly adapting the framework to ongoing transformations.
We support our employees
In order to continuously grow and learn together, we actively support our employees with tailored development programmes. In doing so, we focus on our leadership principles: Vitra is collaborative, Vitra chooses the path of integrity, Vitra shapes the future, Vitra gets things done. Employees and managers give each other open feedback. We assist staff in gaining experience at our sites abroad, whether during apprenticeships, studies or as permanent employees. They always have the opportunity to take on new challenges and contribute their ideas to the company.
We shape the future
Vitra is a leader in the design furniture industry and we strive every day to strengthen this position. We believe in digitalisation as an opportunity for positive change. Continuously learning how to improve our customers' and employees' experiences and increase efficiency is an essential part of our strategy. That is why we promote an open and agile approach to digitalisation and continuously invest in our digital talent and systems.
At Vitra, we attach great importance to modern technologies and digital work processes, as we are convinced that an efficient and future-oriented way of working is beneficial not only for us as a company, but also for our employees.
By digitalising our processes, we can, for example, automate manual activities and speed up certain tasks. This in turn enables our employees to use their working time more effectively and to concentrate on challenging projects. Collaboration between departments is also facilitated by digital tools and platforms.
By digitalising our processes, we can, for example, automate manual activities and speed up certain tasks. This in turn enables our employees to use their working time more effectively and to concentrate on challenging projects. Collaboration between departments is also facilitated by digital tools and platforms.
We pursue a cultural mission
The Vitra Campus with its unique collection of world-renowned architecture and the Vitra Design Museum with its exhibitions, archives and extensive furniture collection inspire visitors and employees alike. These cultural initiatives further our understanding of the role of design and architecture in society – and how space is shaped. If you are part of the Vitra community, you are also part of this cultural environment and keep up to date with the latest news on architecture, exhibitions, publications and workshop events.
Vitra Campus
The Vitra Campus is a unique ensemble of contemporary architecture encompassing a workplace for our employees, production sites, museums, an architecture park and our flagship store offering inspiration for the home.
Vitra Design Museum
The Vitra Design Museum is dedicated to the research and presentation of design, past and present, and examines its relationship to architecture, art and everyday culture.