Embroidered Pillows / エンブロイダリー ピロー

Alexander Girard, 1952

Along with his colleagues Charles and Ray Eames and George Nelson, Alexander Girard was one of the leading figures in American design during the postwar era. While textile design was the primary focus of Girard's oeuvre, he was also admired for his work in the graphic arts as well as furniture, exhibition and interior design. Girard brought a sensuous playfulness to twentieth-century design that had been absent from the austere aesthetic of classic modernism.

Girard attracted special attention with his interior design of the legendary Miller House, for which he personally selected each individual object. The centrepiece of the house was a so-called 'conversation pit', a sunken seating area in the living room, with built-in sofas covered in fabrics by Girard and decorated with embroidered pillows made specifically for this setting.

Pleasantly firm and elaborately stitched, the Embroidered Pillows feature attractive motifs that have been chosen by Vitra in cooperation with the Girard family from the vast store of textiles and images created by the designer.


Products of the family

Alexander Girard

建築家であり、デザイナーでもあったアレキサンダー・ジラードは、ミッドセンチュリーのアメリカデザイン界を牽引した人物の1人です。 テキスタイルデザイン、グラフィックアート、家具、展示、およびインテリアデザインなど幅広い分野において活躍し、賞賛されていました。中でも最も彼の才能が開花したものは、テキスタイルデザインであり、彼が表現する鮮やかな色彩、生き生きとしたパターンは、現代のデザイナーに多大なインスピレーションを与え続けています。