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Plate Dining Table / プレート ダイニング テーブル
Jasper Morrison, 2018
Like all of the designs developed by Jasper Morrison in collaboration with Vitra, the Plate Dining Table reflects the tenets of his 'super normal' design philosophy. Morrison explains: 'The objects that perform best do so not because they look beautiful or valuable but because they have the essential code of being good at what they are.'
Finely balanced proportions and the subtle interplay of planes and curves give the Plate Dining Table an unassuming, refined appearance that can be complemented by a wide variety of chairs, both contemporary and classic. The tapered legs with a quarter-circle profile and the slender frame adhere to the principle of an efficient use of materials: as much as necessary, as little as possible. This lends the table an elegant, graceful silhouette. Details such as the gently splayed legs or the slight overhang of the table top are reminiscent of archetypal tables – reinterpreted in a modern idiom. The deft combination of aesthetic elements and structural details make the Plate Dining Table appear immediately familiar and perfectly at home in any interior.
Finely balanced proportions and the subtle interplay of planes and curves give the Plate Dining Table an unassuming, refined appearance that can be complemented by a wide variety of chairs, both contemporary and classic. The tapered legs with a quarter-circle profile and the slender frame adhere to the principle of an efficient use of materials: as much as necessary, as little as possible. This lends the table an elegant, graceful silhouette. Details such as the gently splayed legs or the slight overhang of the table top are reminiscent of archetypal tables – reinterpreted in a modern idiom. The deft combination of aesthetic elements and structural details make the Plate Dining Table appear immediately familiar and perfectly at home in any interior.
The Plate Dining Table is available in several sizes and colours, with table tops in solid wood, marble or MDF. This selection makes it possible to find the ideal version for many different settings.
ヴィトラ オンラインショップはこちら
Vitra Online Shop
Table top marble
Table top solid wood
Material description
- MDF天板: MDFパウダーコート仕上げ。25mm厚
- ソリッドウッド天板: ソリッドウッド オイル仕上げ。22mm厚
- 大理石天板: カララ大理石(艶消しワックスかけ)15mm厚
- ベース: アルミ ダイキャスト スチールチューブ パウダーコート テクスチャ仕上(マット仕上)
ジャスパー・モリソン(Jasper Morrison)はロンドン、東京、パリの3箇所を拠点として活躍するデザイナーです。 彼は、「スーパーノーマル」という独自のデザイン哲学を掲げ、奇抜で豪華なデザインではなく、「究極のシンプル」とも言える、無駄なものを削ぎ落とした、実用的なデザインが特徴です。 彼は1989年から現在に至るまで、多くの製品をヴィトラとともに生み出しています。